Interactive maps

for every occassion

Create your map or let us create a map for your business or event. Both for mobile an PC

Geographical maps
Image maps
Drone maps
Non-binding contact

What do your visitors get?

They scan QR code at the entrance

Or they open the map on your site or ours. They can see the maps from their home too

Interactive map opens for them

The visitors can use the map immediately without any installation on their PC and phone

Selecting the markers gives information

They get to know everything about the place through text, images, videos, posts from social networks and more

What do you get?

Decrease of printable materials

You do not have to care about printing and updating your printed maps, leaflets and billboards

Entertain and convey information

Your customers will learn everything about the place in a convenient and interactive way

No long and complicated solutions

Most of the interactive maps are done almost immediately, cheaply and without the work of programmers

Virtual tours and promotions

Use the created map to attract visitors. Maybe even with the usage of drone panoramas

Easy map management

You can edit the map and its content yourself through our editor. Everyone is able to do it

We can provide out-of-the-box solution

We can take care of everything and give you a complete map solution with markers and content

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A platform for travelers where they can add texts, images, videos and more from their expeditions


Virtual map of the Norwegian city with all points of interest and drone panoramas

How does it work?

Selection of the map base
Add markers
Fill the marker content

Do you need something more complex?

That's what we are most interested! We can process your requirements quickly and effectively for a custom solution. Write us a message.

Custom design
Website integration
Marker filter
Map-type combination
Drone panoramas
And more

Contact us

Let us know your needs and your ideas. We can discuss your options and how we could help. It is non-binding

You can also reach us on

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